RESOURCES: Job Search / Career

Introverts and extroverts have complementary innate strengths.
The strategies that work for one type might not work for the other. And is not your fault.

Using strategies that align with your innate strengths, whether is for job search or career development, will give you better outcomes.

Built with the innate introvert strengths in mind, our resources will help you understand how to:
Strengthen the weakest aspects of your job search to stand out from a pool of candidates
• Gradually build the meaningful career you want.

The free resources are marked in blue. 

If you'd like a PDF file with this resource list (with links) ➤ Go to Downloads section (Job_Search_Career_Resources.pdf)

Job Search and Career Development Resources for Introverts

➤ COACHING Services 

Job Search/ Career Coaching

Introverts Academy service provided by an MBTI® certified and career coach with a decade of experience helping introverted professionals 


Networking ... The Introvert's Way!

Build your network strategically, with draining your energy

LinkedIn 101: Features

This course makes LinkedIn less intimidating for people who naturally shy away from this type of interaction. So they too can benefit from this powerful platform.

• LinkedIn 201: Effective Strategies

Cohort course—helps participants identify LinkedIn strategies based on their goals and situation; and assists them in implementation, to make it more effective. COMING SOON: join the Waiting List

Jumping Into The Void

How to deal with the challenges of a career change


Click on a book cover to read more details on Amazon Canada. If you're in another country, replace .ca with what corresponds to the Amazon website you have access to (for example, .com for Amazon US).

 Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search

Award-winning and bestselling book that brings a strategic and holistic approach to job hunting (340 pages). It helps introverts understand how to tap into the hidden job market and meet the employers mid-way, feeling empowered in this process. Includes effective job search strategies that align with the introvert strengths, resume tips and how to decrease the interview stress, attitudes for effective communication, cases studies,...
The book is based on a decade of experience applying the coaching lens to employment and career counselling, helping thousands of introverts at different stages of their career become more successful.
Bonus: LinkedIn for Job Search (flowchart), Job Search process (flowchart), 30 Introvert Strengths List.
Interview about this book with the author 

The Key Factor: Understanding the Employer’s Perspective on Hiring

Strategies to gain employers' trust and remove their fears about hiring you.
Bonus: Ebook with the often overlooked concepts that can accelerate your job hunt

Job Fairs: How to Get the Most of Your Participation

Helps you see job fairs as "playgrounds" that allow you to increase your visibility, improve your interpersonal skills and catch employers' attention. 
Bonus: Checklists for what to do Before, During, and After attending a job search 
Interview about this book with the author (includes free ebook download link)

The Ultimate Job Search Guide for Introverts Newcomers

Helps introverted newcomers understand how to pierce the invisible "wall" to succeed in a new job market. The book links to many additional resources. 

Quiet Lessons for the Introvert’s Soul

11 interviews with successful introverts who used their strengths to overcome their life and career challenges... and how you can too! 
Bonus: 100+ introvert strengths list

Metaphors: An Emotional Journey

An empowering visual representation of the emotional roller coaster an introvert has gone through, from losing a job to regain confidence and hope.


Free download


FREE is you're unemployed. PWYC (Pay What You Can) if you already have a job.  

➤ VIDEOS & INTERVIEWS with Experts

On Introverts Academy YouTube channel:

        • Introverts – 3 Key Elements to Build a Meaningful Professional Life

        • Current Trends in the Recruitment Landscape

        • Introverts & Extroverts in the Professional World

        • Alternate Career? New City? Networking Tips to Succeed!

        • The Truth Beyond Careers and Cultures

        • Empathy: A Key Leadership Skill

        • When It All Comes Together: SEO With an Accounting Flare

        • The Creative Process Applied to Career

        • Virtual Meetings: Tips for Introverts

        • How introverts can develop their confidence and leadership skills

    Am I an Introvert? (free quiz) 


    Go to Downloads section to get this list as a PDF file with links (Job_Search_Career_Resources.pdf)

    Do you want us to cover other job search and career topics? Click on Suggest Other Resources to let us know.



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